
kids playground small pendulum rides/mini pendulum rides

kids small pendulum rides http://www.parkamusementrides.com designed with small pendulum with 5-10 seats, not too high height, even kids sit on the seats can get a good safety feeling. 
not say it is a small model, so that every side it not good like the big pendulum rides, in fact they are the same design,just consider the large model not suitable for kids, and also large model is too high can not be set indoor like the supermarket, so that this time small model is really a good choice. 
for the mini pendulum rides http://www.parkamusementrides.com, also with its small size so that to set indoor, not only save a lot of space area, but also the colorful lights and beautiful designs in the supermarket, can help attract a lot of players.
 small pendulum rides

 mini pendulum rides



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