
full interaction funny and interesting amusement battery robot rides can be both indoor and outdoor

amusement battery robot rides http://www.parkamusementrides.com, a new design amusement rides, working with battery to provide working energy, can be charged the electricity at any time. 
the rides can be set both indoor and outdoor, at the bottom it set with wheels and size not large, so has no much place limitation, just plat playground is ok. 
and for the rides we have large size and small size, both models can be played by adults and kids, because its operation is too easy just use the rocker set on the seats to operate the rides walk or turn around, players can play with them in full action. 
for the amusement robot rides http://www.parkamusementrides.com, it is designed with vivid robot image, colors and decorations can be customized according to your needs. 



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