
Shopping mall set amusement rides carousel horse, carousel merry go round

Amusement rides carousel horse http://www.parkamusementrides.com, as the traditional amusement rides to stay in people mind for a long long time, once speak to the amusement park, the carousel horse will be the first to remind of. For amusement park set carousel horse rides, mainly the large size, 24 seats or double deck for a lot of players to play together. 

While for some shopping malls, always choose to set the amusement rides carousel horse http://www.parkamusementrides.com but considering the size and the space area of the amusement rides carousel horse, owners always choose to set some small size like the 3 seats and 6 seats carousel horse beside the shopping mall door to help attract visitors and also make a rest place for parents who take kids. Interesting and funny. 
 amusement rides carousel horse

 amusement rides carousel horse



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