
Troubleshooting for the samba dancer amusement park rides disco tagada

The amusement park rides disco tagada http://www.parkamusementrides.com is an exciting and interesting amusement rides, the equipment can make players soon feel crazy when working, just like surfing in the ocean also like players are dancing samba dance.

1. Please periodically check control cabinet cable head,screws, if any screws loose, please tighten loose at once, if there have bad parts, please repaired or replaced in time.

2. When walk into the equipment, please take off your shoes in order to protect the sofa seats;

3. when the amusement park rides disco tagada http://www.parkamusementrides.com seat have some dirty things, please use soft cotton add a small amount of detergent for cleaning.

4. When the lights stop work, please change them or take them off, do not use hands to take it when the equipment is working;

5. There provide Notice Description for player when equipment leave factory, As a warning to player, Please must be hung in a prominent place, If lost, even if the writing is not clear, please replace, in order to avoid inconvenience.

Amusement park rides disco tagada http://www.parkamusementrides.com is an enjoyable ride soon can improve your highlight, the machine can be also designed according to your needs. Take this troubleshooting, hope you can have a safety and enjoyable rides.
 amusement park ride disco tagada

 amusement park rides disco tagada

 amusement park rides disco tagada
tel:+86 157 3675 6202



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